Friday, 28 October 2011

deeply in love

Now I know how it feels to be in love. Its quite simple. Really.
The one you love is above every thing else. Follies are so microscopical , it doesn't really matter.
Its like no more bumpy roads ( those that resurface during monsoons and then stay as such forever!)
Its a smooth drive.... like they say smooth sailing.
And yeah.... you get that feeling of cool breeze touching your face gently .
Its as grand as the magnificent malls with their shining glasses and the shimmering lights all about them.
As pleasing as licking that brownie sundae or when your tongue exercises during that first kiss.
Like enjoying a surround sound music system that helps you hear a pin drop.
Or simply like that chaat you can't resist even on a strict diet. In fact defying rules becomes an enjoyment.
As colorful as the delightful range of chaniya cholis you bargain for during the Navratri .
A sense of high when you first travel in the air conditioned local bus or the affable Metro is felt.
All the mushy novels you could grab at the patri bazaars on the roadsides describe it so commendably in words!
That moment of joy when you stand on the bridge with ripples of sunshine reflecting your reflections like they certify you as immortal lovers.
Brings that peace...(its not chaotic to me as is for some others..).... like you are in some Ashram where your soul has found its mate and all the meaning for your presence.
Of course it feels like being home too . In that cocoon of affection and care.
That flush of pride at the mere sight! Like owning a palatial bungalow or nothing less that the Mayor's house!! :D

Yes..... its everything above for me! Feel like embracing tightly .... my darling Ahmedabad ... with its lovely malls , cool cafes , better roads , the fun filled Garba nites , the irresesitable buys at the patri bazaars and its number of bridges across the Sabarmati... not to forget the Gandhi Ashram.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Monday, 24 October 2011

Cracker clean

Diwali is a coin of sorts.
One face is of crackers , other cleanliness.

It feels disturbing to see yesterday night's cracker remains all around your society's walking area.
It is a matter of immense pleasure to see your glass shine after you have dusted/scrubbed it.
The thought of cracker brings the scene of plight of those little cracker making child labors.
Cleanliness naturally infuses well being.
The dazzling fireworks leave behind that unpleasant cloud of venomous gases.
Clutter cleaning showed me a few of my kindergarten report cards :)
Noise is inevitable byproduct of crackers.
Trying to polish my school medals and trophies made my eyes sparkle with golden lusture.
Kids parrot out "SAY NO TO CRACKERS" and buy them annually during this "Karthik mas".
People like me who love their room scattered , honestly work hard and help their moms too.:)

Lets just bring alive that oath we make during our school /street plays and flip the coin .
Mark this festival as good over evil, clean over crackers.

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Never judge a book by its movie...

.... but this time I will. After watching director Paul WS Anderson's cinematic version of this famous story, I am looking forward to read the original contribution by Alexandre Dumas.

P.S.:  All for one,one for all ..... I'll add this to my forEVER phrases