Sunday, 26 April 2015

The City

What makes you fall in love with a city? Last I checked, a guy posted on Facebook that he got engaged, and is in love with the city where he met his fiancee. Years ago, I had seen on television, a cricket world cup match being played in Melbourne. Before the toss, they showed the beautiful sites of Melbourne city, along with the MCG. I had never been there, still I felt like I 'loved' that city. So much so that I told my father, "I'll live there one day, and you'll live with me." Papa of-course said yes to amuse his little girl.

The little girl has grown up, and outgrown that love for that city.

When 12, she moved from the city she loved to a city she had never even thought about. Eight years later, she claimed she loved her new hometown.

Again, years ago, probably around the same time of my love affair with Melbourne, I had heard about Mumbai. Like not just Bollywood, but about the city. Now I don't remember what was what I heard, but I had decided "I want to live in Mumbai someday".

Unlike the Aussie city, I was not too vocal about my decision on Mumbai, because a) I was a child and had chosen Melbourne and b) I was a child and was 'laughed' at by some not-ill-meaning relatives about my wildness to live in a 'foreign' land. In those days, Mumbai too was 'foreign' to me so, probably to avoid b), I kept quite.

 No big issues really. Not then, not ever.

Now, after the two cities I have lived in and loved, it has been an year in Mumbai. Things that are different are that I don't live with my parents now and there are more exciting things than just McDonald's when I was the kid in love with, yes, Melbourne.

Right now is pretty interesting for me. I'm interning- so it's like my first job.  J Office is in Pune, another city I had never thought about. Lovely weather! But I yearn for human companionship. No, I don't work with robots (and I don't think I would like that). There are people, but no one I talk to. Like no friends to hangout with, or just chat for hours together. So, decided to spend the weekend in Mumbai.
Sorry, but no sorry- I love Mumbai :D The City is fun.

12.30 am- late night dinner in Amar Juice Center, Juhu.
1.00 pm- lunch in college with friends
4.00 pm- Mocha Chip and Donuts and talking with a friend in Dunkin Donuts, Powai
4.30 pm- Haiko- to window shop and for AC, and KFC- to use the restroom
5.30 pm-  Mediterranean Focaccia Bread and Coffee in Starbucks, Powai
7.00 pm- Crossword showroom (books ♥)
7.30 pm- Sneaked into a movie hall and watched last 25 minutes of Cinderella
8,00 pm- Watched Avengers- Age of Ultron- the movie whose tickets I had bought
10.30 pm- a non-veg meal at McDonald's
11 pm- on my bed, blogging.

Love for the city bases out of the carbohydrates apparently, but really because of the humans. The friends I talked with. Talking really may have been bitching, gossiping, cursing, giving cold looks to the new people staying in our college hostel, or discussing the clothes passersby were wearing around Haiko/KFC. But without this, despite a fun job in a cool city, life was BORING. Not living in any other city has never affected me like this. Mumbai is The City. 

Wednesday, 8 April 2015

How Higher Education Ruins You

While watching re-runs of one of my favorite TV series, the actors' expressions took a backstage for me, because this time all the MBA gyan that I have acquired/am acquiring took the fore-front

The Big Bang Theory Season 02, Episode 18- The Work Song Nanocluster

When Penny seeks Sheldon's advice on making her flower barrette making business a success:

  1. No of flower barrettes produced per day
  2. Price per Penny Blossom
easily prove that Penny needs modern marketing techniques and must optimize manufacturing process to turn it into a viable business.

To this Penny asks Sheldon to help her in making more money out of it. Here comes Sheldon's brilliant premise that "everything you have done until now is wrong".

When Penny makes one unit in 12 minutes and 17 seconds, based on cost of material and wholesale price, her profit comes out to be a meager $5/day. 

This may be resolved by the assembly line, not to be confused by the moving assembly line, as Sheldon points out. Penny remarks that since she cannot make snide remarks on Sheldon, he shouldn't be condescending. But as this was not the part of the original contract, he refuses to abide by it post-facto.

After a while, Leonard, Howard and Raj hear Sheldon and Penny singing and doing something, which is the rhythmic work song to increase the productivity. This is followed by the men discussing the product design. To add, Raj whispers in Howard's ears a good question- what are the marketing and distribution channels? Sheldon suggests hosting a server while Howard pitches in the idea of eliminating the middle man by setting up a small server and static IP within Penny's home.

As many questions arise, Sheldon gives optimizing the manufacturing process the highest priority. Brainstorming leads to an out-of-the-box idea of use of a molecular sieve.

Quicky the roles and responsibilities are identified and assigned- Raj and Howard procure the raw materials from Chem Lab, Leonard works on Web Design and Sheldon sets up the manufacturing at his apartment. Penny-the owner of the business meanwhile takes a nap!

When Leonard presents the website he has designed, the team is visibly disappointed. Sheldon takes Penny aside, and while he says it's Penny's enterprise and she must call the shots, clearly "recommends" to show Leonard the door.

The disappointments go away when they start getting online orders and positive comments about the product. Some of the customer views lead to expansion plans. 

Penny's excitement dies down because of a minor error by Web Design team (Leonard) mentioning "one day rush". Jumps in Sheldon, with his motivational speech reminding Penny of her goals of financial independence and entrepreneurial brilliance and innovation.

Moving on, while all the 5 of them are working, Raj complaints of his Saturday being ruined and he, Howard and Leonard end up talking in irritated tones. Sheldon points this to Penny as negative attitude on the factory floor. Penny the boss sees no problem here but Sheldon tells her "labor force is a living organism that should be carefully nurtured. Therefore, any counter-productive grumbling must be skillfully nipped out by the management... You here any union talk, you let me know!"

Schedule pressure can lead to overtime which can lead to fatigue. When Sheldon is the victim of overkill, Leonard uses big words like Sheldon's insight and failure without him to motivate him.

Ultimately the target is met. But the "one day rush" error was not rectified and tackled with a short term view... 

So yeah, once again I enjoyed a funny episode of a funny sitcom and this time though I saw it differently, the geek in me thoroughly enjoyed.

Higher education can ruin you. One can end up complicating the simple things. Or may be modern day TV aids the understanding of education.