Saturday, 25 July 2015

Things that matter

Academic Score. A** score. 
Boyfriend. Braids. 
Car. Chocolates. City. Clutch. Coffee. Company. Company. 
Dance. Dress. Drama. Dreams. Drinks. 
Facebook. Finance. Friends. Fun.
Gang. Gossip. 
Home. Home Loan. Honeymoon destination.
Interviews. Ispiderman Ispiderman.
Job. Jon Snow.
Kiss. Kith & Kin.
Logistics. Love. 
Marriage. MBA. Mergers & Acquisitions. Money. Music. 
Others. Others' opinions.
Parents. Peers. Plans. Planning. Prayers. Private Jet.
Strategic Management. Sex. Socks. Stories. Supply Chain.
Time. Twitter.
Uninterrupted Power Supply.
<shockingly nothing comes to mind.. O' yes, Vinti's Scribbles>
Watch. Warehousing. Winter is coming.
X and Y. (yes, wohi, Math wale. Biology wale bhi...)

This is A-Z for me.
But, for those kids in the school I volunteered to teach today, A-Z and 0-9 are both a dream and a despair. Something they want to learn and also something they can live without. Things like the Matter and things that just don't matter.

Nonetheless, they reminded me of what I have been blessed with- education and a good background. Although they wanted the class to end (I mean it's Saturday, we all know classes on a Saturday suck), they ended it with shaking my hands and smiling: "Thank you, Teacher!", "Bye teacher" and the unexpected (this one addressed to the guys)- "Paye lagu sir".

Friday, 17 July 2015


Everyone has a keeda.

Some people have a love bug. They just want to fall in love. And some have the wedding bug. 

Some are afflicted with sports keeda. While some are bitten by the grammar bug.

Some have debugging bug! And then some don't...


Some have the shopping bug

Shopping soothes them. And when that's not working, shop some more...

Sometimes, they know they can't afford it. 
So to earn the extra few bucks, they do odd jobs ....

But then, their clothes or shoes or accessories also have a soul... The shopping bags call out to the shoppers..

So, to all those bitten by various bugs, don't ask the bug in you to bug off until it bugs you too much! 

Friday, 10 July 2015



When she talks on the phone so loud
As she unwraps the presents
When she sings a popular number
And throws some facts and figures impressive
When they discuss the matters of heart
In same tone as they read their financial sermons
When her blushing cheeks go rosy red
While her friends travel distances to see her
When he quotes the books he has read
Alongwith the knowledge he has amassed
When he smiles
For the charm he knows he is born with
When those athletic figures in those pictures
Shine in sweat after their fun-filled treks
When he rebels 
Just because he can
When she works out
To keep that svelte figure svelte
When she complains
Against the cruel reality
When she appears to be a cuckoo
In the outlandish acts of hers
All I do is turn to portals like this
When just sleeping isn't enough antidote