Title: The Helium Insufficiency
The Gist: Leonard and Sheldon need liquid helium to conduct the experiment on their paper before a Swedish team beats them to it. Rest of the gang find out something interesting about Amy.
Things we learnt about:
The Gist: Leonard and Sheldon need liquid helium to conduct the experiment on their paper before a Swedish team beats them to it. Rest of the gang find out something interesting about Amy.
Things we learnt about:
Michael Rapaport guest-starring as the Dealer (yes, he's Gary the Cop whom Phoebe Buffay once dated) |
- Non-de-script white panel van and sketchy character in the parking lot.
- Difference between Stalemate and Impasse.
- A little something called "Mexican Stand-off".
- Winning a battle, but losing a war.
- We shouldn't go "shopping" at night.
- With the right amount of money, and knowing where they (the 'enemies') live, there's a plenty we could do about it. (Okay, we're almost ready to be a mafia :P )
- Mr. Glasses and Mr. Know-It-All are not built for prison.
- "A guy enjoys semantic digressions as much as the next guy, but (business) is business." (This Black Market guy is cool!)
- Being 'open to change'. (The Helium dealer plain kills me :D )
Things are moving fast on the romantic front post ShAmy break-up. The upcoming episodes promise a lot on this front.
Notable: If Amy has moved on, Sheldon has too.
I lied about being a wedding planner who can't find love... but I AM single, if you know somebody...
- Sheldon's tête-à-tête with the Helium Dealer