Vendetta Kumar had once been told by a friend that Vendetta obviously didn't socialize on account of being an introvert. At that time, Vendy was hurt, because that friend was her social life. With that friend, she was as 'extrovert' as Vendy could be. Of course at that time, Vendy thought being an introvert was a 'problem'. Nothing serious, but like an issue that, at that time, Vendy thought she could 'resolve'.
There is absolutely nothing wrong in being either of the 'verts'. Vendetta realized that soon enough and was at peace again. She did time and again feel pangs of jealously when the 'out-going' crowd was going out. She could never be a natural at conversing with some people. She'd often find that people would also sort of converse with others and their talks would be so 'inside joke'- like that Vendy could not find her way into the discussions and end up being an 'also there with them'.
All this awkwardness would be a small portion of her life though. Major chunk of her every-day was in-fact silently observing and smirking at pretense that the non-shy junta possessed. Her no small talk way of life at work and outside suited her.
A colleague once asked her "Vandita! Are you looking for a guy to fall in love with?" Though Vendetta would love to fall in love, she replied with sincerity: "I don't really. I think I am not capable of emotionally investing myself with one because, dis-investing if things don't work out seems painful".
But she did want to fall in love, effortlessly. Another colleague told her that it could not be effortless. She needed to party, go on trips, or at-least talk to people so that one-thing-led-another-and-coffee-happened. Vendy smiled. He was right, but she was not that person. She was content being indoor-sy.
The latest development in her life brought her in close proximity to fresh college grads. The bubbly chirpy kind that newly employed kids are, still accustomed to hostel level shenanigans. These kids do not come back from office with energy level drained to zero. They still have an eagerness to get chummy with others around and some of them have laughter that qualifies as noise. These are the ones who laugh at everything. Laughter comes out of their mouths along with words. Vendy didn't know that was possible. And like most situations in her life, these kids did not have the kind of discussions where Vendetta Kumar could pitch in. And much like always, she tried to go out of her zone to make way into these people's lives but came quickly back as she didn't want these people inside her life.