Friday, 1 July 2011

here we go again.........

around an year ago..... 07.07.10 to be precise...... i started this affair..... this affair of blogging..... this affair with blogging...... it all seemed all very exciting.... as writing isn't just some vent for me..... its not a part of living.... its an art of living.

then, one not so fine day, yahoo announced that your blogs are going away..... well.... there came a blow.... didn't hurt though....( in sync with my rhyming obsession)....

after that..... many days have been spent Facebooking..... tele viewing..... Scrabble-ing.... word gaming....  and just plain time killing.... and yeah feeble attempts of cooking too...

yesterday, a classmate posted on fb.... my fun anecdote in our college magazine...... its a factual fiction.....

that made me try to rekindle my romance with blogging.... don't know if its going to be a MILLS AND BOONS..... or end up as WUTHERING HEIGHTS.... 

one thing's for sure...... i will write when i feel like..... and sometimes , when i don't feel like.....

signing off .....

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