Title: The Empathy Optimization
The Gist: The gang is hurt from Sheldon's meanness, despite taking care of him when he's sick. Amy helps Sheldon realize his insensitive behaviour. Sheldon then takes it upon himself to apologise to every one.
+ve points:
- The episode addresses the series' elephant in the room- Sheldon's attitude towards people doing the thankless job of taking care of a sick Sheldon. In first few seasons, we have seen all hell break loose for Leonard, Penny and others whenever Sheldon contracts an illness. Although enjoyable to see our socially retarded hero irritating others, in real life, we all would find such a person absolutely abominable. It's good that he's shown to understand and work on it at this point in his life.
- Unlike initial seasons, where the guys would cater to his whims while hating him in silence, they now stand up against him, vocally expressing their displeasure. This too is in tune with the changed tides. All these men have grown up over the last 9 years- Howard and Leonard are married men, Raj is no more the nervous nelly and even Stuart has sailed through financial ups and downs and now seems to be doing well for himself. It's good to see each character go through a phase of personal growth.
- Emily has always been a strong woman. But I have always hated her: morbid fantasies, hate for Penny, cruel Clogzilla incident with Howard, enjoyment of Howard-Stuart tiff during Prom do-over. The writers should be applauded for changing my sentiment for her in just one episode. Every character has faced Sheldon in different ways, this was Emily's turn.

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