Title: The Valentino Submergence
The Gist: Sheldon and Amy celebrate Valentine's Day with a "Fun with Flags" episode live streaming. Penny and Leonard do it by discovering that they are neither young nor have anything to do. Howard and Bernadette decide to break into their hot tub and this is what I'll talk about. Raj is Raj and finally breaks up with Emily and basically I am at peace now.
-ve points: Leonard and Penny track, which once was the fun core around the science stuff the boys were into, now is so repetitive, it's boring. I mean they are the stars so you gotta write some part for them in every episode, I get it. But they just plain bore me.
+ve points:
The Gist: Sheldon and Amy celebrate Valentine's Day with a "Fun with Flags" episode live streaming. Penny and Leonard do it by discovering that they are neither young nor have anything to do. Howard and Bernadette decide to break into their hot tub and this is what I'll talk about. Raj is Raj and finally breaks up with Emily and basically I am at peace now.
-ve points: Leonard and Penny track, which once was the fun core around the science stuff the boys were into, now is so repetitive, it's boring. I mean they are the stars so you gotta write some part for them in every episode, I get it. But they just plain bore me.
+ve points:
- Raj broke up with Emily. Finally. Because of the movie girl he met last time. As I suspected. The other girl didn't say yes. As I expected. Raj is single again. Let's see how this can-speak-with-women-without-alcohol-Raj deals with it.
- ShAmy are back with an episode of Fun with Flags. It's Valentine's Day and Sheldon finds it the hard way that today the viewers would flag questions related to love and loneliness, not flags.
- Howard and Bernadette are the only couple who make sense now. Their relationship has evolved so naturally over the years, it's real!
- The couple decide to dip in the hot tub for Valentine's. What they find is a surprise in there.
- Bernie has a surprise for Howie, which will change the course of the show. It makes sense at this point in their lives and I am excited to see what next.
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