Title: The Positive Negative Reaction
The Gist: Bernadette tells Howard that she is pregnant, to which he freaks out. Boys try to calm him down and girls try to cheer Bernie up.
Key Points:
The Gist: Bernadette tells Howard that she is pregnant, to which he freaks out. Boys try to calm him down and girls try to cheer Bernie up.
Key Points:
- Even though Howard has always wanted to be a dad, it is natural that he is freaking out. Especially as it wasn't planned. (Though how she conceives is a fun story :P)
- The men try to drink and celebrate and the women too (except Bernie, who now can't have her favourite sushi or hot tub dips too).
- Drinks lead to some cool scientific brainstorming.
- Sheldon; "Forget helium, you know what's a super-fluid? This fruit punch". :D
- All the friends get together and enjoy a karaoke night to welcome the baby with their renditions of various "Baby" songs.
- It seems that after focussing the first half of this season on ShAmy love story, the rest of the season would revolve around Howard-Bernadette's baby and the pregnancy related struggles and excitement of to-be parents.
- What's expected though is that now the writers bring back some geek stuff, especially when Sheldon's love life is sorted, Leonard's married track is boring and Raj is single again. I mean, in real world some scientists discovered a new planet. Sheldon and I agree that Raj should be digging that kinda stuff.
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